Gen Lab

An innovative hub sculpting advanced technologies into the vanguard of progress.

Genera Laboratory — a space where professionals with remarkable expertise create technologies that change previously known perception of human-technology interaction. Constant modification of existing technologies and creation of new ones gives an ability to stay synchronized with the transformation and lead it where necessary.

Reshaping the landscapes of entertainment and fashion

Gen Lab has developed a solution to make the entertainment and fashion industry more approachable, more engaging and more secure for the user. The innovations Gen Lab is creating have the potential to change the paradigm of online shopping and media consumption.

Customized technology development service to suit your needs and ideas.

The world’s first technology lab offers customized technology creation as a service. Embrace the resources and expertise available at Genera’s innovation hub to realize your ideas and enhance existing ones.

Remarkable responsiveness to changes in the industry

Thanks to Genera’s industry research department, Gen Lab gets the latest news and technologies, staying ahead of the market and creating better options.

Artem Kupriianenko CEO

What were the goals behind creating Genera Lab?
Genera Lab was established as a result of years of expertise in 3D graphics and visualization at Omega Render. Omega Render specializes in developing 3D visualization and graphics for prominent architectural projects, Hollywood productions, and the Gaming industry. The continuous pursuit of innovation led to the exploration of new technologies aimed at improving exciting quality. Through extensive evaluation and testing, technologies that seamlessly translate people and objects from the physical realm to the virtual world have demonstrated exceptional results and quality, beginning a new era called Genera. Fashion has emerged as the ideal industry for technology integration, as it offers solutions to many of the industry's challenges and issues.

Besides fashion, in what other directions do you see Genera?
Based on the concept that Gen Lab can replicate any objects of the external environment into virtual space, this technology can be transferred to a large number of certain spheres. Education stands out as one of them. By reconstructing objects and individuals within virtual landscapes, it becomes possible to simulate a multitude of processes, recreating real-life scenarios within educational space. Another significant focus of Gen Lab involves the creation of digital replicas of complex engineering structures,  resulting in substantial reductions in errors and inaccuracies when dealing with real-world spaces.

What constitutes the innovation of the laboratory?
Drawing on our expertise in 3D modeling and Generative AI, we achieve precision and lifelike representations beyond the capabilities of other technologies. Through generative graphics and our innovative approach, we replicate the real world with exceptional realism and quality.

How significantly can a user’s life improve after the release of Genera products, and in what ways?
Fashion industry is chaotic, over functional and inefficient due to too much manipulation of real, physical objects. Transportation, offline sales, manufacturing, and photo production can be significantly reduced using Gen Lab’s advanced technology, saving a huge amount of environmental and physical resources for the industry. Time and emotional resources for the consumer.

What are the values/principles of the company?
Genera is all about technology. About constant research and testing of technologies focused on simplifying and improving user experience and boosting all business metrics. All Gen Lab products are highly sophisticated on the inside and very simplistic and attractive on the outside, with a serious and fundamental approach and visual direction on the background.

What experience and expertise did the key members of Genera have, and how was the team assembled?
Gen Lab has managed to combine the highest hyper-realistic computer graphics technicians, IT specialists and leading fashion experts, resulting in a synergy that is evolving the company at a fast pace.

How do you envision Genera in 5 years?
Genera has several global aims at the moment. One of these is to transfer global processes and systems into generative AI space to optimize, reduce errors, and enhance efficiency. By simulating processes in an ultra-precise space, we aim to make the world and its spheres significantly more efficient and accurate.

How will the online shopping experience change in the future?
Shopping experience will become more straightforward, immersive, and user-friendly. The virtual experience will closely resemble the real one, thanks to high-quality visuals and intuitive interfaces. Genera’s goal is to create a digital mirror that transforms the user’s virtual experience and as a consequence.

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Latest technology tools and a decade of industry knowledge leads to transformative changes in online shopping.

Lack of boundaries

Latest technology tools and a decade of industry knowledge leads to transformative changes in online shopping.


The variety of products created in Gen Lab can be implemented in any field, enhancing entire commercial systems.

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Can I apply to Gen Lab for developing my idea?

Gen Lab offers consultation or advisory services for refining and optimizing business ideas before submitting a formal request

May I request to try out a Gen Lab product for my business?

Gen Lab offers in-depth consultation and product selection for the highest performance as a business outcome

Can I learn more about the range of services and capabilities offered by Gen Lab for businesses?

You can explore our offerings, case studies, and client testimonials to gain a comprehensive understanding of how Gen Lab can benefit your business.

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