Gen Local

Empowering brands with inclusive representation and targeted localization for diverse markets.

With Gen Local technology, brands and online marketplaces can now effortlessly create models that represent different ethnicity, matching market demand and amplify their unique marketing strategies.

Product Features

Redefining diversity in fashion marketing

There is a tendency that the market does not have capacity to be as flexible, adaptive and diverse as our social environment. With Gen Local this problem is solved forever. The adaptation with any market is done in seconds, the product becomes significantly closer to the consumer.

Significant reduction of resources invested in image production

Using Gen Local, there is a significant reduction in the material effort required to produce content. The technology replaces models in super high quality, identical to realistic footage.

Instant integration and automated processes for the user’s satisfaction

The achieved speed and process automation makes the whole process incredibly seamless and fast for both brands and users. The entire spectrum of tools make online shopping and content creation as easy and immersive as never before.


Gen Local Faces

Hyper-realistic and diverse. Gen Lab has created a wide selection of faces for use on websites, platforms and advertising campaigns, giving brands the opportunity to stay diversified, maintain the vibrancy of their imagery, and significantly reduce the cost of sales.

Type 01
Gen 1: generation 1
Serial number HJJ-8788-HD
Type: 01
Gen 1: generation 1
Serial number HJJ-8788-HD
Type: 01
Type 02
Gen 1: generation 1
Serial number HJJ-8788-HD
Type: 02
Gen 1: generation 1
Serial number HJJ-8788-HD
Type: 03
Type 03
Gen 1: generation 1
Serial number HJJ-8788-HD
Type: 03
Gen 1: generation 1
Serial number HJJ-8788-HD
Type: 03


Gen Locals technology allows for seamless modification of all faces on the website or platform to a chosen model type or the user. Technology reads even the smallest details when replacing the real model with the model of your choice, resulting in an ultra realistic picture in a matter of moments.

Gen Atelier

Genera Atelier